A Third Entry In the Speechless Archives
Me: Hopefully this method of solving will show you how to kill
two birds with one stone.
Student: But I don't want to kill birds.
Student: Are you rushed for time?
Me: I am fine.
Student: Great.
(lifts up his hand with fingers stretched out)
Student: What am I holding up?
Me: Nothing?
Student: Nope. Guess again.What am I holding up?
Me: I am betting this is some kind of a prank.
Student: My classmate pulled this one on me. So what am I holding up?
Me: I give up.
Student (grinning widely): I am holding up your time.
Me: The other day I went for a haircut and ....
(Interrupting me)
Student: Pubic haircut?
Me: Ok now for this problem. Study it carefully for a moment.
(Brief pause ensues)
Me: So what do you think you should do?
Student: So what do you think I should do?
Student: The other day my friends were comparing PSLE T-scores, and I told them I got zero marks. Yet I still made it to secondary school.
Me: I don't believe you. Not for a second.
Student: It's true. I was living in Hong Kong when I was 12, and therefore didn't sit for the examinations in Singapore.
Outrageous moments like these: precious. Peace.